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... a software package for the management of genealogical personal data
* can be run without installation
(e.g., from a USB-stick or a CD-ROM)
* up to approx. 2 billion sets of data
* GEDCOM 5.5 import and export
* Kekulé-numbering system (max. 31 generations)
* different numbering of descendants
* FOKO-export (contact data for researchers)
* any number of documents can be assigned to a person or family tree.
* colored markers
* detailed references
* various displays of statistics
* various displays of family trees
* flexible printing of key data and labels
* comprehensive management of families, addresses, places and documents
* plausibility checking
* double wedding data
(e.g., legal and religious weddings for one couple)
* child and heir (propositus, proband) alterable
* extensive search opportunities
* links from within images (e.g., to persons shown)
* flexible print and export functions
(templates changeable and self-creatable)
* flexible design and automatic generation of web pages via HTML-export
* various help functions
(calendars, date calculations, ...)
* ... and many more useful and meaningful functions |
