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HTML-Templates (Translated by Deepl)

Unfortunately there are not many templates for the creation of internet pages (HTML files) available yet. So if someone has basic knowledge in the creation of internet pages, there is definitely interest in further templates. With the creation of the templates I am gladly helpful. You will certainly find more helpers in the mailing list as well.
Do not be afraid, it is not very difficult.

The files that you receive here are only suitable for use in family relationships. A use in other programs (e.g. text or image processing) is not possible.
Strictly speaking, it is a collection of commands, through which family ties creates the depicted representation.

HTML-Vorlagen.zip (download 52 KB) 03.06.14

Here is an example that belongs to a whole package of templates to create multiple HTML files. Also included are the necessary background images and a .css file.

Taken together, the generated files result in a complete internet presence with quite an attractive presentation.

The example shown here is taken from the template a1_01_ahnen.EVL and can also be found on the screenshots page.

More example pages from this package:
Personal data sorted alphabetically
Family list
Another list

(download 52 KB)
HTML Stammblatt.EVL (download 4 KB) 07.12.2006

A simple template for creating HTML pages.

This is where the essential personal data, parents, partners and children are displayed. The names of the linked persons are links to the corresponding HTML pages.

(download 4 KB)
Homepage (download 8 KB) 21.12.2006

Here I have packed the templates HTML-Seite.EVL and NachnamenListe.EVL together. If you use both templates, you will get an internet presence with a list of names and single pages of the persons. You can navigate from the single persons to their parents, partners and children and also back to the surname list.

(download 8 KB)
FL-Homepage (download 74 KB) 05.02.2010

Again a nice template from a user. The archive contains 5 templates for integration into a homepage with navigation through the own ancestors. A css-file, which gives the page color and fonts, is included as well as a short description as PDF-file.

The result could look like this:

(download 74 KB)


            2025 by Stefan Mettenbrink  E-Mail